Community Outreach
The Oak Mountain High-Tech Solutions Robotics team is committed to reaching out to people in our area. Each year, members of our team participate in local events. This outreach is valuable towards educating the Oak Mountain area about our team and the B.E.S.T. Robotics program. Some events involved demonstrating the robot to show what our team of engineers is capable of accomplishing while others simply allowed our members to contribute to the betterment of our community.
2020 has brought many challenges and our community outreach efforts have been greatly affected, as well. This year we focused primarily on our generous sponsors, Oak Mountain Intermediate School and Indian Springs First Baptist Church.
While we were not able to do as much as in the past, we were able to clean out a portable building at the school and clean up trash on the church campus.
We are extremely grateful to the school and church for providing our departments space in which to operate and fabricate.
Our goal is to begin mentoring the 5th grade VEX IQ robotics team again in January when they are able to resume meetings. Each winter, members of our team teach a robotics class at the OMIS Kid’s Convention for GRC students. Our current year’s robot is always showcased and the students enjoy learning to control it. We are also making plans to be a part of this event.
The team has hosted Robots on Our Mountain in 2017 to showcase VEX IQ, VEX, and B.E.S.T. Robotics programs in four of our schools.
The Oak Mountain B.E.S.T. Robotics team is working hard to get our name out into our community while helping it in the process.